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Technical Notes:


The pictures were taken with various digital cameras and were scanned from old black & white and color photos and slides.


Pictures of Richard

~~~ 1943 - Present ~~~

Richard during one of his hairy periods


The pictures were selected from photos and slides created during 70+ years of Richard’s life.


To avoid having you deal with too much excitement all at one time, I have broken down the pictures into 3 groups (click on the titles):


  1. The Early Years (28 pictures)

a.    I can’t imagine anything more boring than looking at someone else’s youth pictures, but I’ve tried to make the captions entertaining.


  1. The Army Years (23 pictures)

b.    You might find the Army pictures and captions interesting and occasionally funny.


  1. The Middle and Later Years (35 pictures)

c.    The middle and later years pictures are a hodge-podge of my quasi-hippy years, travel, and general interest (I hope) pictures.



When you are finished looking at the pictures, close the window.


7/26/2020 3:48 PM