Assorted Pictures of Kelson

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The Story of Kelson's Birth Day

On Monday, February 17, Julie began having contractions at 4 a.m. That evening, Julie went to the hospital and was admitted in anticipation of her giving birth that night. But things slowed down, and everyone, including Julie, went home around 2 a.m. Tuesday Morning.

Tuesday evening, after another day of painful contractions, Julie and her entourage (Jason, Richard, Carolyn, and Nancy, Julie's mother) dutifully traipsed back to the hospital. The contractions slowly increased in frequency and became stronger, and Julie received her eagerly anticipated epidural. At 4:36 a.m., Wednesday morning, February 19, Kelson Dade Badger was born. He weighed 7 pounds at birth.

This is probably just a proud grandfather speaking, but I think that Kelson already has a personality. I know that he can see only 12 inches, but he seems to be very curious and observant.

Great Work, Julie and Jason !!!

Out of consideration for the newborn, very few of the following pictures were taken with a flash, so some of the pictures are a little blurry, due to insufficient light.