Howard Dean Fundraiser on June 28, 2003 in Phoenix, AZ 

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Click to start a slide show of the Howard Dean Fundraiser on June 28, 2003 in Phoenix, AZ.

After the November 2002 elections when the Democrats had such a poor showing nationwide, I joined three other SaddleBrooke women to form a group to promote voter education and registration and to work for Democratic candidates.

We call our new group Demo Dames Who Give A Damn, and we have met regularly since February 2003. Our website tells you about us and the 43 other SaddleBrooke women who have joined our effort.

As part of our political action, Betty Hughes and I researched the candidates and decided to join the grassroots campaign for Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont. Check the Dean for America website (DeanForAmerica) and the Arizona for Dean website (DeanForAZ) for information on the candidate and his campaign for president. Betty and I offered to be Pinal County’s co-chairs for Dean, and we have joined other Arizonans to work for Dean’s nomination for president. On June 28, I actually met the governor, and I am convinced more than ever that he is the person we need to lead the United States.

Carolyn Badger